Gardening Articles
Gardening Tips
by Evergreen Garden Club Members
Another source of organic material for your compost can come from your vacuum cleaner bags! - Louise Mounsey
Unless they pose a safety hazard, try leaving dead trees and limbs in place. They provide a wealth of possible nesting sites for cavity nesting birds. Leaving them in place will enhance your property's value as a wildlife habitat!
Spray water on the leaves of newly planted or established plants if leaves are wilting in hot, dry, or windy weather.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering, and cut out old branches to encourage growth of new stems for more flowers next spring.
Dig new garden beds between 6-12" deep. Incorporate 2-3" of compost into the top 6" of soil. Add 1-2" of mulch to conserve water and keep roots cool.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering. Cut out oldest branches to encourage growth of new stems next spring.
Brightly paint all your garden tool handles to that they are easy to find! - Irma Wolf
Most trees, shrubs, perennials, and lawns need to be watered during our winter (primarily from October through February) to prevent root damage that will affect the plant's health. Thoroughly water root zone when air and soil temperatures are above freezing. - Diana Martin
Alleviate spring fever in April when it's still too early to plant in the ground, but you REALLY want to garden. Put some pansies and juniper in a pot in a sunny location. The pansies will still be blooming against the juniper backdrop as the spring snows melt from the top of them! - Arlene Krell
Do not cut foliage from bulbs after flowering, as this is how they get nutrients for next year's growth. - Karla Briggs
Bright objects fascinate and attract butterflies to the garden. Try aluminum pie plates, sun catchers, and even driveway reflectors. Properly positioned, they may deter four-legged garden pests as well. - Travis Clemens